After discussion with many engine builders and turbo manufacturers we have decided it was in the best interest of the Outlaws to make sure our competitors, fans and officials are as safe as possible. With this being said we will require all turbo charged engines to have one of the following 4 containment devices in order to compete in 2024. All turbo containment devices also need 2 grade 5 1/2″ bolts installed into exhaust pipe as close to exhaust flange as well.
2024 Clutch and Bellhousing
For the 2024 season all bellhousings must have the certified SFI sticker on the bellhousing to meet or exceed USPA/Outlaw rule book. At this time there is no yearly annual ispection needed but sticker must be legible and bellhousing must not be modified as well as the liners. New clutch/bellhousing forms will be updated so make sure to have that signed even if you have signed the form previous to 12/1/2023. Any bellhousing that has any visual damage such as crack or had previous explosion must be replaced. Any questions feel free to contact Taylor at 712-470-1900
2023 Banquet Forms
Outlaw Truck & Tractor Banquet 2023: Banquet Information, Banquet Meal Information and Voting Information.2023 Banquet Information2023 Banquet Meal Informationvoting_2023.docx New (1) (3).docx newest
Clutch can Certification
It will be required for every clutch can to be inspected and certified prior to 2024 season. Make sure to contact your manufacturer to get it lined up prior to season starting.
Quilt Giveaway
Attention: Outlaw Pullers we have been asked to be included in a very special award Quits Of Valor). If you are a veteran and have never received a quilt of valor, please contact Lori Bauer and there will be a form to be filled out and send back to the address on the form. Deadline is September 29, 2023. There will be 2 quilts given out at the banquet on November 18th. You need to have been a puller past or present, also need to attend the Outlaw banquet. For any questions contact Lori.