Clutch can Certification

It will be required for every clutch can to be inspected and certified prior to 2024 season.  Make sure to contact your manufacturer to get it lined up prior to season starting.

2024 Rule changes

All rule changes to the 2024 rule book need to be presented to your class representative by the Spencer tractor pull September 17, 2023.  Rule deadline is October 1.

Coal Train Energy Partnering With The Outlaws

The Outlaw Nation is excited to announce our new partnership with Coal Train Energy, an exciting upstart company based out of Syracuse, MO! The folks at Coal Train Energy are doing things the old-fashioned way, the American way; with hard work and sweat equity. Jumping head-first into an already crowded market, the guys at Coal Train believe that it’s not just the product itself that wins customers over, it’s also the way it was conceived and the people behind that product. The founders of Coal Train all come from humble beginnings in small-town Syracuse, Missouri, working in construction and the trucking industry, they wanted to market a product that the everyday hard-working American could enjoy. Patriotism, hard work, and respect for those who have paved the way for our freedoms are beliefs that make Coal Train Energy and Outlaw Truck & Tractor Pulling a perfect partnership moving forward. We are proud to welcome Coal Train Energy to the Outlaw Nation. Stay tuned for more exciting news to come from Coal Train Energy and the Outlaws!