The “CASE IH Thunder in the Dirt Outlaw Pulling Series” kicks off in twelve short weeks in Ravenna, Nebraska and questions abound surrounding the upcoming season in regards to the Corona Pandemic and how it may affect the upcoming season. We will remain focused on what is shaping up to be the most exciting season yet for the Outlaws and we are hopeful that Covid 19 will be behind us and allow for the season to remain on schedule as planned starting in June. Stay tuned, stay safe, and pray for friends and neighbors that may be affected by this pandemic and let’s do our part to eradicate it, put it behind us, and prepare for the most exciting Outlaw season ever!

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Spring Newsletter

Hi Everyone, hoping you have all had a great off season!

Hopefully everyone’s winter projects are coming along nicely, we have had a very mild winter up here in Northwest Iowa and spring looks to be right around the corner. It has been a great off-season for the Outlaws where sponsorship is concerned, we have unbelievable success thanks to a lot of pullers and promoters who have stepped up and helped us secure some great sponsors. Thanks to everyone who helped with sponsorship.

Putting the schedule together was challenging because of leap year and we also had some last-minute date changes, but overall, I think we have a good schedule ahead for everyone for the 2020 season. As it turns out, there is a little bit more traveling for everyone and for that we apologize. Next year everything should fall back in line rather nicely. We have a couple Saturday night openings this year because of some late date changes which will be fixed next year and some weekends that should’ve had double hooks this year will have them next year.

By now, you all know Adam has stepped down from doing the scheduling and from the Outlaw leadership team to spend some more time with his kids who are in sports and on traveling teams. We wish him and his family the best.

Ron Stone will now step into that position of taking care of the schedule and on the leadership team as well as all the other duties that Adam was helping with. Ron has been with the Outlaws now for a year. He has been around pulling his whole life and is excited about his new role with the Outlaws. Ron will attend almost every event this year either announcing or helping in other capacities. Look him up and get a chance to know him so he gets a chance to know you.

I also want to highlight our sponsors; without them we couldn’t do what we all love to do all summer long.  I hope if there is an opportunity for any of you to work with the sponsors that you give them a chance at earning your business.  As you’ve seen on our website and Facebook Case IH has become the title sponsor of the Outlaws.  We want to thank them for this opportunity and look forward too many years of promoting the Case IH brand.

Other big-name sponsors that you all need to learn more about Ekotuning, they can help you get the most out of your equipment by tuning for better fuel efficiency and more power.

VP Racing Fuel will again be the spec fuel of all vehicles with OTTPA, look for their full line of other products at your auto parts store.

We are excited to have Schaeffer Oil and Lubricants as a sponsor; their oils and lubricants are the best anywhere.

Braungardt Ag from Bowling Green Missouri is a seed and chemical company that can ship directly to your farm at great prices with the best service anywhere.

Dekalb/ Asgrow is leader in the seed business give them a shot at earning some of your acres.

Frosted Frogg coolers and tumblers, we are excited about having their brand of products in the Outlaw merchandise trailer this year. They will be at Cowtown in Kansas City. Their coolers and tumblers are as good as Yeti and considerably cheaper, give them a try.

Off Road Belts is another company that we hope you look for if you are needing to stock your shop with belts or just needing a belt for your lawnmower or anything all the way up to your combine.

Some of the companies that have worked with us on sponsorship and are companies that you are all buying parts from are listed below and when you are looking for parts please consider one of these sponsors.

Wimer Fuel systems and Turbo

Fairvalley Performance

Diesel Performance and Engineering (DPE)

Pro Puller tires

Evolution chassis

Laird Manufacturing-manufacture of manure spreaders and feeder wagons

Graham tire-Give them a chance at your tire business, mention the OTTPA promo code

Agri-Shield has been a great sponsor the outlaws the last four years

Hopefully you all recognize that these sponsors are what keeps it all going please take a second look and give them a chance at your business.

Hoping everyone has a great spring and look forward to seeing everyone in June let’s go pulling!

Thank you!

Kurt Van Beek


The OTTPA is proud to announce BRAUNGARDT AG as the newest sponsor of the Outlaws for the 2020 pulling season.
“Through our new partnership with OTTPA, Braungardt Ag Services is looking forward to building and developing relationships with Outlaw members and fans”. We are a family owned agricultural business that focuses on the needs of farmers in an ever-changing market.
Our business model differs from the typical retailer, we work with every major chemical manufacturer as well as generic companies. Our diversity in the crop protection market allows us to service a large area of the Midwest. This presents unique opportunities for us to combine products that are both the best agronomically as well as the most cost-effective.
As a full service facility we provide access to seed from Stine, Agrigold and Lewis Hybrids. We offer chemical and fertilizer application in Northeast Missouri and aerial helicopter application of fungicides covering Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa.
We strive to be the best in the industry in product knowledge and service. As every year is different, we have the ability to adapt to the season to ensure that every farm’s needs are met. We would appreciate the opportunity and encourage you to give us the chance to work with you when your making crop input decisions. Charles McCurdy – Braungardt Ag.

“Braungardt Ag. is a perfect fit for the Outlaws, our pullers, and fans. The competition is tough when describing Outlaw pulling, pullers have to be pro active and adapt to get an edge on the competition on the track. Braungardt has managed to achieve and maintain that edge with their drive to stay ahead of the competition and their unique business model that caters specifically to their customers. We are excited about the upcoming pulling season and we look forward to working with the good folks at Braungardt Ag.” Ron Stone – OTTPA

“This is our third year working with Braungardt Ag Services and couldn’t be happier. We switched from having all of our chemical and fertilizer custom applied to doing it ourselves. After a lot of shopping and pricing they were the cheapest and our customer service could not be better. The knowledge source is a huge help for us. We have a great relationship and look forward to a them being a great sponsor for Outlaw Pulling Association.”
-Customer testimony from Gary Porter, Mercer MO


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The OTTPA is proud to announce CASE IH as the TITLE sponsor of the Outlaws for the “2020 Case IH Thunder in The Dirt Pulling Series”. The Outlaws are the premier pulling series throughout the Midwest with events from as far south as Texas to as far north as South Dakota pulling from June through September. Case IH Territory Sales Manager Tony Randall says “Case IH is excited to partner with the OTTPA, and is proud to be sponsoring the premier pulling organization in the Midwest”. Randall adds “we look forward to showcasing the Case IH brand in front of passionate pulling fans and showing our support for the sport of pulling to those fans and competitors”. Case IH is a global leader in agricultural equipment, committed to collaborating with its customers to develop the most powerful, productive, reliable equipment – designed to meet today’s agricultural challenges. Case IH has a network of dealers and distributors that operates in over 160 countries. Case IH provides agricultural equipment systems, flexible financial service offerings and parts and service support for professional farmers and commercial operators through a dedicated network of professional dealers and distributors. Productivity enhancing products include tractors; combines and harvesters; hay and forage equipment; tillage tools; planting and seeding systems; sprayers and applicators; site-specific farming tools. Kurt Van Beek: owner of the Outlaws says “The Outlaws are proud to promote the Case IH brand and we look forward to helping Case IH become the brand of choice for Outlaw pullers and fans. This partnership showcases the Horsepower, Smoke and friendly competition that traces its history back to the origins of mechanized Agriculture”.