The pulls at Troy and Marthasville have been cancelled because of rain.
Thoughts and Prayers
Please keep the Jim Brackett family in your thoughts and prayers. Jim is having surgery tomorrow.
Pre-Entry Forms Deadline May 15th
In order to receive the $5.00 discount per event, pre-entry forms need to be postmarked by May 15th.
You can still sign up for the pre-entry up to Rock Valley but will not receive the discount.
Pre-Entry Form Deadline May 15
The pre-entry form has been updated on the web site under the Pullers page. Pre-entry must be postmarked by May 15, 2021.
$5.00 per hook discount if paid by May 15. No discount after May 15 – No exceptions.
Pullers need to be entered in pre-entry program by Rock Valley to qualify for misses.
- 0-9 hooks – 0 misses
- 10-20 hooks – 1 miss
- 21 and up – 2 misses
Final Change To Rule Book
The final change to the 2021 Rule Book has been made to the Super Farm class. Aftermarket headers are allowed in this class.