Mercer, MO adds the Pro Farm Class

The Outlaw pull in Mercer, MO on July 27th has added the Pro Farm class to their event. Pro Stock, Limited Pro Stock, Pro Stock 4×4, and now Pro Farm will be featured.

Ravenna Drops The DSS Class

The season opening event in Ravenna, NE has dropped the Diesel Super Stock class from the schedule but has added the Light Limited Modifieds to the schedule on Saturday night.

NACHURS has joined forces with the Outlaws for the 2022 season!

NACHURS is a liquid fertilizer company with over seven decades of success and innovation built on stewardship, sustainability, and efficiency. Since 1946, NACHURS brand liquid fertilizers have been the gold standard for high quality, low salt, fertility products and still a leader in the industry today. Their products complete the foundation of environmentally sound and sustainable fertilizer programs for all crops. NACHURS liquid fertilizers offer a variety of products for flexible applications and will give your crops the nutrients they need for maximum yield potential.

Pre-entry Deadline May 1

Pre entry discount deadline is May 1. Pre entry not required to collect points. You may pre-enter after this up to Rock Valley but there is no discount.


VP Fuel Additive for 2022 Season – Updated

It has been brought to our attention that some of the fuel pump builders are having trouble getting the barrels and plungers coated for some of the pumps they are building for pullers for this year.  Because of this the OTTPA has decided to allow extra lube to be added to the VP fuel for the 2022 season, BUT THE ONLY ADDITIVE YOU CAN RUN lS SCHAEFFER’S SOY SHIELD at 16 ounces per 50 gallons. We will be adding 1 ounces of Schaeffer’s Soy Shield to 3.125 gallons of VP Fuel and establish a base line for testing. lF any fuel does not meet that base line test it will be sent away for further testing, ANYONE caught with any other substance in the VP fuel other than Schaeffer’s soy shield will be taking a 1 year and 10 day vacation from pulling at any OTTPA event. lF anyone has any questions call Ryan, Brandon. Dave or Kurt.

Again this is just a temporary fix so that we can all go pulling and the only lube that is allowed is Schaeffer’s soy shield. LET’S GO PULLING and have a fun summer.