The rule book has been updated to include some Super Farm and Light Limited Pro Stock class clarifications and the Light Limited Mod rules.
Super Clean Joins Forces With The Outlaws!

2021 Rulebook Posted
The 2021 Rulebook has been posted on the website under Pullers.
ATTENTION : Super Farm Pullers
Super Farm turbos will be ready to order next week. Call Brandon with Harts Diesel at (660)248-2662 for all the information regarding the spacers, fuel, water settings and ordering your turbo.
Outlaw Update
Everybody’s schedules are always so full and that always makes rescheduling anything difficult. Because of that we are postponing the Outlaw banquet until after the first of the year, we will still try to have a banquet sometime in early March if we can make something happen. We will make that decision and let everyone know after the first of the year otherwise we will do the awards presentation at Rock Valley because all the classes are there. If that happens we will fill you in on how that’s all going to happen at a later date. If you want to get in on the early discounts for membership or pre-register you have to do that by December all of the application forms and clutch paper forms and pre-register forms are updated and on the website so if you want the early discounts you will have to get them sent in by December. Please let us know if you have any questions the pre-pay refunds that we would’ve handed out at the banquet will be mailed out in December so you all should be receiving them before the end of the year, hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving with their families. See you all soon thanks Kurt Dave Taylor and Lori.