The VP Racing fuel and water form have been updated and the form is available on the website.
Rule Book Updated
The rule book has been updated to include some Super Farm and Light Limited Pro Stock class clarifications and the Light Limited Mod rules.
Super Clean Joins Forces With The Outlaws!
Super Clean is thrilled to join with the Outlaw Truck & Tractor Pulling Association in 2021! We are excited to be out at events to introduce fans and competitors to the Super Clean product line up. We will have free samples, SWAG and giveaways at our booth, so make sure you stop by at the pulls!
Super Clean has been around for over 40 years with our Original Tough-Task Cleaner-Degreaser; a powerful water-based cleaner that attacks dirt, grease, oil, and grime on contact to make it easy to rinse away. It’s strong enough to degrease an engine and can be diluted down to customize a cleaning solution for virtually any surface. The Cleaner-Degreaser is available in a Foaming and Aerosol spray as well. Our All Wheel Cleaner is great for cleaning rims and tires and we recently added a new Floor Absorbent that’s great for cleaning up spills. Whatever your cleaning needs, Super Clean products help make all your cleaning faster and easier so you spend less time cleaning and more time doing the things you love!

2021 Rulebook Posted
The 2021 Rulebook has been posted on the website under Pullers.
ATTENTION : Super Farm Pullers
Super Farm turbos will be ready to order next week. Call Brandon with Harts Diesel at (660)248-2662 for all the information regarding the spacers, fuel, water settings and ordering your turbo.